Mahkota Dewa, Plant Cancer Conqueror(Mahkota Dewa, Tanaman Penakluk Kanker)
indonesian info
The world's medicinal plants are now coming of new entrants fairly great. Crown gods name. He can make people with minor ailments kinds of itching, aches, or flu, to serious illnesses like cancer and diabetes, feel the healing.
Knowing the properties of this plant, you might be interested to plant. Imagine. This plant turned out to have remarkable properties. He can cure health problems from a mock up that almost no hope of recovery. If it's just sore, a day or two would be lost. Flu? Well, that's a task which can also be taken care of within a day or two. Diabetes was going to surrender in a few months.
What about cancer? Although it took months, this plant was able to fight to the death. At least it is based on empirical experience of many people, including who was cured of the disease in the liver or heart disease, hypertension, rheumatism, and gout.
To process it became the drug is very easy. Just a brewing racik tea made from the skin and flesh of fruit, fruit shells, or leaves, these natural ingredients were ready for use. If baseball wants a sense of bitterness, we can get a little bothered process became instant potions. It was borne more delicious without reducing benefits.
That crown the god (Phaleria macrocarpa). Plants that reportedly came from the mainland of Papua is in Central Java and Yogyakarta dubbed makuto Dewo, makuto Rojo, or makuto queen. Banten people call it the king of drugs, because the properties could cure various diseases. Meanwhile, people from ethnic Chinese called pau, which means the drug heirlooms.
From allergies to cancer
Some people may have just seen, some never even heard his name. Naturally, when during the very few people know the crown of the gods. Moreover usefulness. In fact, in many research institutions dealing with medicinal plants have not found the results of his research. Until now, at least the new dr. Regina Sumastuti from the Department of Pharmacology, University of Gadjah Mada University who has examined. It was still limited to testing the effects of antihistamines or allergy. In fact, the palace of Solo and Yogyakarta has long been known and used him as a medicinal plant. Luckily, after a long time the benefits of this extraordinary leak to the layman.
Now, this plant seemed to come down from heaven as a god savior of the sick. Various testimony presented those who have experienced usefulness. In the book Mahkota Dewa Drug Heirlooms The gods work Harmanto Ning, chairman of Harmony Women's Lily Flower Farmer, who pursue treatment with the crown of the gods, there are 26 people who recognize its worth or written successfully recovered from his illness thanks to the crown of the gods.
Among them are the Tuti Ariestyani Winata, who after undergoing an operation to remove a cyst in the womb, the body's deteriorated condition. Her body was emaciated, pregnant belly like an old, fat toes, his blood pressure rose and fell, and his hemoglobin is very low.
Some doctors who visited to give a different diagnosis. Anyone diagnosed liver cancer, liver cirrhosis, and some are saying he suffered from chronic hepatitis. Never obtain the certainty of her illness, at the suggestion of Ning, Tuti eventually consume meat boiled water god crowns. After six months, Tuti was recovered and his condition improved again.
In addition to Tuti, who lives in Bekasi Diana claimed successfully recovered from the cancer in her right breast after undergoing surgery to clear two more times in her left breast cancer. Anna Retno Winata in Bogor and Bekasi are also feeling healthy at the back of uterine cancer pain thanks to the crown of the gods. Ny. Parlan in Aberdeen also managed to normalize blood sugar levels thanks to these herbs. There are many other examples of the success of others. Unfortunately, that did not work was never revealed, so it can not know what diseases are not able to fight this bright red fruit crops.
During this crown of leaves and fruit of the gods used the Indonesian people, especially in Java, as a cure skin diseases, itching, and eczema. The disease is characterized by symptoms of itching, signs of allergy to certain agents that promote the body's cells release histamine.
Problem ability against this skin disease Sumastuti already proved it. From studies in vitro using guinea pig small intestine, it is known, it is true crown of leaves and fruit of the gods have the effect of antihistamines. Means that these plants can be scientifically justified its use as a drug itching from insect bites or caterpillars, eczema, and other diseases due to allergies.
Other research we are still waiting to prove the remarkable efficacy as perceived some people at the top. However, the story of mouth seems to have made people, especially the sick and generally almost given up hope, believe. Then, people started looking for part rollicking efficacious deity crown. Not a few who tried to plant it in the yard. In fact, there is a look at this epidemic as a business opportunity to cultivate and process into products of traditional medicine or herbs with a variety of forms.
Made tea
Planting crown god is not the case difficult. Plants, which can live either at an altitude of 10-1000 m above sea level., It can be grown from seed or transplant results. Although planting in pots or directly in soil, growth would be better if planted in the ground. Plants from seed are usually already fruiting at the age of 10-12 months. Derived from the graft, it should bear fruit more quickly.
Fruit is the most widely used as natural medicines, in addition to leaves and stems. Of the three parts, namely the skin and flesh of fruit, shells (shell beans), and seeds, which generally used the fruit skin and flesh and shells. Young fruits are dark green and bright red.
Savor the fruit of young and old alike, clearly Ning. Unfortunately, these compounds are contained in the parts of fruit, still have not been revealed in detail. Cuma, Hutapea et al. (1999), as quoted Sumastuti, stating, in leaf and fruit skin makuto Dewo contained saponins and flavonoid compounds, each of which has the effect of allergy and antihistamines.
Ning writes, in a fresh condition, skin and flesh young fruit crown-sepet sepet god feels bitter. While the old-sepet sepet rather sweet. If eaten fresh will cause swelling in the mouth, thrush, drunk, and even poisoning. What is the cause, is not known with certainty. Therefore, it is not advisable to eat them in a fresh condition.
Shell-sepet sepet taste bitter, more bitter than the skin and flesh of fruit. This section is also not recommended for direct consumption because it can lead to drunkenness, dizziness, even fainting. However, when processed, this section is more efficacious than the skin and flesh of fruit. He can treat severe diseases like breast cancer, uterine cancer, lung disease, and cirrhosis of the liver.
There's a reason why god is not consumed seed crown. Seeds are poisonous. If chewed, we can throw up and tongue numb, "added Ning. Therefore, this section is used only to treat skin diseases.
Of course to make pulp or its shell as a drug, need processing first. Can be used as dried fruit, tea racik, or instant potions. However, that is often done by making instant tea and herb racik.
Another part that can be used as medicine is stem and leaf. According to Ning in his book, crown stem empirically god can treat bone cancer. While the leaves can cure impotence, dysentery, allergies, and tumors. How to use the leaf is to boil and drink the water.
Do not be surprised. So drink potions crown god, we immediately felt the attack sleepiness. This effect is normal. Another effect is drunk. To eliminate this effect it is recommended to drink more water. For further consumption, the dose should be reduced crown god. If it still drunk, you should temporarily stop first. In addition to adverse effects was evidently still there its good effects. Psst ... sometimes there are men who increased libido, whispered to Ning.
According to Ning, in the process of curing the disease or serious diseases like cervical cancer, after patients taking the crown of the god steeping himself could feel the heat and cold, and sometimes even foul-smelling blood clot issue. This is a cleansing process of disease, write Ning.
Use can be in the form of a single herb can also mix potions. Mixing with other herbs is intended to strengthen the efficacy and neutralize toxins. Also to reduce the unpleasant taste, said Ning, who claims often serve prescriptions written several doctors.
Efforts to crown the god of healing using herbs, according to Ning, could not quickly produce results. Treatment needs to be done several times. Even for severe chronic diseases take a long time. Noteworthy is its use must not exceed the dose recommended. If the proportion of excess, unwanted effects can occur.
It must be remembered, young pregnant women are prohibited from taking the crown of the deity. As quoted Ning, Sumastuti also has proved capable of acting like gods crown oxytosin or sintosinon that can stimulate the uterine muscles that facilitate the delivery process. This could endanger the pregnancy is still young.
No less important, the message Ning, in using the herb is recommended menyugesti crown our gods or convince ourselves that this herb works, pray for our healing, and still visit a doctor to know the development of our health. @ (I Gede Agung Yudana)
Digest, 2003
Knowing the properties of this plant, you might be interested to plant. Imagine. This plant turned out to have remarkable properties. He can cure health problems from a mock up that almost no hope of recovery. If it's just sore, a day or two would be lost. Flu? Well, that's a task which can also be taken care of within a day or two. Diabetes was going to surrender in a few months.
What about cancer? Although it took months, this plant was able to fight to the death. At least it is based on empirical experience of many people, including who was cured of the disease in the liver or heart disease, hypertension, rheumatism, and gout.
To process it became the drug is very easy. Just a brewing racik tea made from the skin and flesh of fruit, fruit shells, or leaves, these natural ingredients were ready for use. If baseball wants a sense of bitterness, we can get a little bothered process became instant potions. It was borne more delicious without reducing benefits.
That crown the god (Phaleria macrocarpa). Plants that reportedly came from the mainland of Papua is in Central Java and Yogyakarta dubbed makuto Dewo, makuto Rojo, or makuto queen. Banten people call it the king of drugs, because the properties could cure various diseases. Meanwhile, people from ethnic Chinese called pau, which means the drug heirlooms.
From allergies to cancer
Some people may have just seen, some never even heard his name. Naturally, when during the very few people know the crown of the gods. Moreover usefulness. In fact, in many research institutions dealing with medicinal plants have not found the results of his research. Until now, at least the new dr. Regina Sumastuti from the Department of Pharmacology, University of Gadjah Mada University who has examined. It was still limited to testing the effects of antihistamines or allergy. In fact, the palace of Solo and Yogyakarta has long been known and used him as a medicinal plant. Luckily, after a long time the benefits of this extraordinary leak to the layman.
Now, this plant seemed to come down from heaven as a god savior of the sick. Various testimony presented those who have experienced usefulness. In the book Mahkota Dewa Drug Heirlooms The gods work Harmanto Ning, chairman of Harmony Women's Lily Flower Farmer, who pursue treatment with the crown of the gods, there are 26 people who recognize its worth or written successfully recovered from his illness thanks to the crown of the gods.
Among them are the Tuti Ariestyani Winata, who after undergoing an operation to remove a cyst in the womb, the body's deteriorated condition. Her body was emaciated, pregnant belly like an old, fat toes, his blood pressure rose and fell, and his hemoglobin is very low.
Some doctors who visited to give a different diagnosis. Anyone diagnosed liver cancer, liver cirrhosis, and some are saying he suffered from chronic hepatitis. Never obtain the certainty of her illness, at the suggestion of Ning, Tuti eventually consume meat boiled water god crowns. After six months, Tuti was recovered and his condition improved again.
In addition to Tuti, who lives in Bekasi Diana claimed successfully recovered from the cancer in her right breast after undergoing surgery to clear two more times in her left breast cancer. Anna Retno Winata in Bogor and Bekasi are also feeling healthy at the back of uterine cancer pain thanks to the crown of the gods. Ny. Parlan in Aberdeen also managed to normalize blood sugar levels thanks to these herbs. There are many other examples of the success of others. Unfortunately, that did not work was never revealed, so it can not know what diseases are not able to fight this bright red fruit crops.
During this crown of leaves and fruit of the gods used the Indonesian people, especially in Java, as a cure skin diseases, itching, and eczema. The disease is characterized by symptoms of itching, signs of allergy to certain agents that promote the body's cells release histamine.
Problem ability against this skin disease Sumastuti already proved it. From studies in vitro using guinea pig small intestine, it is known, it is true crown of leaves and fruit of the gods have the effect of antihistamines. Means that these plants can be scientifically justified its use as a drug itching from insect bites or caterpillars, eczema, and other diseases due to allergies.
Other research we are still waiting to prove the remarkable efficacy as perceived some people at the top. However, the story of mouth seems to have made people, especially the sick and generally almost given up hope, believe. Then, people started looking for part rollicking efficacious deity crown. Not a few who tried to plant it in the yard. In fact, there is a look at this epidemic as a business opportunity to cultivate and process into products of traditional medicine or herbs with a variety of forms.
Made tea
Planting crown god is not the case difficult. Plants, which can live either at an altitude of 10-1000 m above sea level., It can be grown from seed or transplant results. Although planting in pots or directly in soil, growth would be better if planted in the ground. Plants from seed are usually already fruiting at the age of 10-12 months. Derived from the graft, it should bear fruit more quickly.
Fruit is the most widely used as natural medicines, in addition to leaves and stems. Of the three parts, namely the skin and flesh of fruit, shells (shell beans), and seeds, which generally used the fruit skin and flesh and shells. Young fruits are dark green and bright red.
Savor the fruit of young and old alike, clearly Ning. Unfortunately, these compounds are contained in the parts of fruit, still have not been revealed in detail. Cuma, Hutapea et al. (1999), as quoted Sumastuti, stating, in leaf and fruit skin makuto Dewo contained saponins and flavonoid compounds, each of which has the effect of allergy and antihistamines.
Ning writes, in a fresh condition, skin and flesh young fruit crown-sepet sepet god feels bitter. While the old-sepet sepet rather sweet. If eaten fresh will cause swelling in the mouth, thrush, drunk, and even poisoning. What is the cause, is not known with certainty. Therefore, it is not advisable to eat them in a fresh condition.
Shell-sepet sepet taste bitter, more bitter than the skin and flesh of fruit. This section is also not recommended for direct consumption because it can lead to drunkenness, dizziness, even fainting. However, when processed, this section is more efficacious than the skin and flesh of fruit. He can treat severe diseases like breast cancer, uterine cancer, lung disease, and cirrhosis of the liver.
There's a reason why god is not consumed seed crown. Seeds are poisonous. If chewed, we can throw up and tongue numb, "added Ning. Therefore, this section is used only to treat skin diseases.
Of course to make pulp or its shell as a drug, need processing first. Can be used as dried fruit, tea racik, or instant potions. However, that is often done by making instant tea and herb racik.
Another part that can be used as medicine is stem and leaf. According to Ning in his book, crown stem empirically god can treat bone cancer. While the leaves can cure impotence, dysentery, allergies, and tumors. How to use the leaf is to boil and drink the water.
Do not be surprised. So drink potions crown god, we immediately felt the attack sleepiness. This effect is normal. Another effect is drunk. To eliminate this effect it is recommended to drink more water. For further consumption, the dose should be reduced crown god. If it still drunk, you should temporarily stop first. In addition to adverse effects was evidently still there its good effects. Psst ... sometimes there are men who increased libido, whispered to Ning.
According to Ning, in the process of curing the disease or serious diseases like cervical cancer, after patients taking the crown of the god steeping himself could feel the heat and cold, and sometimes even foul-smelling blood clot issue. This is a cleansing process of disease, write Ning.
Use can be in the form of a single herb can also mix potions. Mixing with other herbs is intended to strengthen the efficacy and neutralize toxins. Also to reduce the unpleasant taste, said Ning, who claims often serve prescriptions written several doctors.
Efforts to crown the god of healing using herbs, according to Ning, could not quickly produce results. Treatment needs to be done several times. Even for severe chronic diseases take a long time. Noteworthy is its use must not exceed the dose recommended. If the proportion of excess, unwanted effects can occur.
It must be remembered, young pregnant women are prohibited from taking the crown of the deity. As quoted Ning, Sumastuti also has proved capable of acting like gods crown oxytosin or sintosinon that can stimulate the uterine muscles that facilitate the delivery process. This could endanger the pregnancy is still young.
No less important, the message Ning, in using the herb is recommended menyugesti crown our gods or convince ourselves that this herb works, pray for our healing, and still visit a doctor to know the development of our health. @ (I Gede Agung Yudana)
Digest, 2003
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