The couple live is one thing that most determines terbinanya sakinah life wa mercy within the family. of course in addition to faith, nasab (lineage) and have few assets (not in the sense matre), beauty and virginity of a girl is highly recommended and decisive in choosing a partner. well here are a few tips doodles to see a girl who is still sacred. hopefully can be beneficial, and this is made tips ikhwans really want to foster home, so do not be misused yes ...
1. A bit of black hair, black eyebrows, black eyelashes, black eyes.
2. A little white body, white teeth, white palms.
3. Somewhat kemerah2an lips, cheeks kemerah2an, kemerah2an gums.
4. Rather was his fist, his chin, while her breasts, sweat fragrant, fragrant smell of the mouth, nose and body.
Video Collection "Virgin" Click here!
And Allaah knows best bisshawab. To be more specific there are a few things to diperhatiakan including:
The girl who is still pure, smooth forehead. When intercourse slippery always missing, just that arise twitch (garis2) who sometimes seems sometimes when chatting. Twitch because it was not holy, not the same as facial twitching with age. Holy twitch that has been lost, not so ketara and not so visible, except when it face certain reacted like he was laughing and talking, while twitching because with age is always visible and lasting. Do not be eliminated by any oil, although today there are bermacam2 oil.
But the twitch because of the loss of purity is not easily removed. To make it easier to see the girl still a virgin or not. Consider a married girl's forehead with that yet. Note betul2 necessarily visible disorder. The girl who was not there some twitch garis2 holy arise and curved didahi girl. Note betul2 garis2 because it is not so visible (light). And Allaah knows best.
The girl who still sacred or her body has not been touched by man, the tip of his nose reddish color, when touched the tip of his nose looks red. The girl who is not pure red but the red tip of his nose was pale, red color sometimes does not appear, which looks just pale, do not believe try to see the girl's nose tip, merahkan ..? For men who like to destroy the sanctity of women, stripped of his nose, hence called the man a philanderer. Wallohu a'lam
where it comes from love, from the eyes down to the heart ... ..
We use our eyes to look and see someone, cantikkah, bugarkah, luweskah, etc.. Sometimes we see a beautiful woman on the outside only, but the inside is up, to know she was still a virgin or not try to peek at her eyes. When the bottom of the folded petals and there is little sign of bruising (bruise marks) means that the girl was not sacred anymore, maybe already married. bruises that showed no visible holy sort of black garis2 under the eyelids black disamp ng ى under eyelids look a little wrinkled (twitch). The girl who still sacred berseri2 eyes, no black color, bruising or garis2. When the girl laughed under his eyelids do not have anything, such as wrinkle (wrinkles), striped, etc.. Wallohu knows best. (Who referred lebamnya eyes not because of lack of sleep loh:-D)
Ridge girls change through 2 processes:
1. Ridge girls become big because of the hormone.
2. Ridge became a big girl because male.
Backs who have reached the touch of man will be great, lebih2 have intercourse. Ridge is still a virgin girl, although she still looks pretty fat, because still thick and tense and not lethargic and fell. Just look at her waist, still slim that her waist and back is not great, not plump and chewy on the back. If running back does not waver because the meat is still solid and not soft when held, meaning he is still sacred. For those who had sexual intercourse, her back was contained and large but not thick, appears to fall back, lebih2 when he walks, rocking is not rebound.
Why the back of the girl who had sexual intercourse could fall? While the act of intercourse approximately 90% of the hormone that is in the back will miss pubic concentrated, because at the summit (orgasm), she became strained back.
When finished a strained back intercourse would loosen the original and this causes the back becomes loose and falls. More often the girl's act of intercourse, will increasingly fall back and lethargic, shallow. And Allaah knows best.
Ear including one senses that can be used to determine if the girl is still sacred or not. In the land of china as a psychic to find out ear disease in a person's body. The girl who is never touched by laki2, ears and looks pretty clean, if the girl had been bitten disetubuhi or ears or be kissed and touched, in automatic form the girl's ear will become more shallow and no longer a little reddish and becomes pale. For girls who are still sacred, but never got the touch man, pale ketara not very. And Allaah knows best.
FRUIT DADA (breast)
The role of the breast is a lot, not just lust seduce men, but the breasts as evidence that she ever touched or not. Boobs girls who have never got a touch, always tense. But if you've got the touch, the breast tension is reduced and slightly enlarged from the original size, more often touched, the more slack. Note the girl when walking or running, and waving bergerak2 fall (down) and once berbuai mean tension is gone. If you have not got a touch, although berbuai breasts while running but not too melambai2 crib mean tension is still there.
Putting breasts that never got a touch to be a long and terjojol (out) a little from its hiding place. Breasts that always got squeezed will be larger, and do not accuse her fruitful big chest got squeezed. Therefore, large breasts get squeezed and the large natural because it is different.
Breasts squeezed into a big hit but not tense. While large breasts natural karna always tense and when walking was not swayed, if the taxable remas-buai sway swayed like an elephant ear, berbuai left, right, up, down sometimes melambung2 when the girl was walking or running.
Why breasts when taxable touch could fall and what the relationship with muscle palms breasts? At the time the breast is held or diremas2 girls feel the passion, when excited hormon2 will fill the space so that the breasts become tense. Once passionate breasts and loosens tense muscles relax making as well. Taxable breasts sucking nipples become swollen, which has not got pink nipples suction. Had she not pure, her breasts hanging down like a papaya fruit dangling on the tree. On the breasts do contain a thousand question marks, including knowing the woman who already had children or not. Watch her nipples if the tension is mendangak menghala upwards to the top means the woman had given birth, if her nipples were always out and mendangak terjojol upward means the woman had sexual intercourse, but has never been childless. But the breast is often regarded as a symbol of sex, most women and men love breasts while doing sexsual relationship, because they can reach orgasm (pleasure) just because stimulation of the breast.
A girl as they become adults, less likely to breast size change, unless the weight gain. Swollen breasts due to pregnancy, breast feeding or the influence of the contraceptive pill is conditional. A good posture will form the breasts appear larger. Try asking, whether he likes her breasts being touched or not? Some women have very sensitive nipples that others do not, they might want to her breasts touched or maybe not. But most women liked the soft touch and a kiss on the breast and also on the nipple. Breasts and nipples will harden when stimulated. That tanda2 most obvious when he was aroused, although not all of this. Other Tanda2 lubrication (pelendiran) in the vagina, reddish in the chest and increases heart rate and breathing. And Allaah knows best.
Thick-skinned girl and the rough, look at his hands, if the crack (peca veins, which urat2 mrupai crack), not because it may be caused not stand washing materials that contain chemical, means the girl has lost her holiness. The girl who is still pure, soft palms and slippery. If holiness had disappeared, the palms of his hands when the press warnannya not pale red, if in direct pecet menanjal behind. One way again, look at your right hand, if there is a line putus2 the middle means holiness has been lost, if not terputus2 mean there is not yet lost hope of holiness. after seeing the palm of the right hand, his thumb trying gemgam moment kira2 one minute, if when megemgam feel warm and red thumbs when it is released, there is hope still sacred. Note also his thumb, if at all, although there appeared pale warmth means likely Holiness already flying.
Try to hold the little finger, kira2 one minute, then remove, ask how it feels when it is held tightly and released? If he answered no sense, apologize banyak2, chances are he is not sacred anymore. But if he said there is a sense of excitement, his heart berdebar2 or no pain like berdenyut2. Alhamdulillah still seems to be sacred. (Yg ngetes are those laki2)
With jari2lah men who hold and seductive women, as well as women jari2, jari2 is the most fundamental areas to know the girl or not pure. The way is easy, first shook hands, shake hands during remas2lah hand, if mahramnya laki2 not be holding the hand of a girl, it shows little virgin section hands were tainted. When the girl's hands and jari2 in remas2 may mean opportunities to hold another tempat2 wide open. Try jari2 girl in belai2 and in remas2 gently, how the girl's feelings?
The touch of man dijarinya indeed bring a taste of its own ni'mat and lust. The touch of hand magic touch, out by hands will spread to other zona2. The touch of hands was sahdu, if not believe how happy try to walk while holding hands. If you want to know the girl was accustomed to the touch or not, Try to reach out and shake hands with him, for shaking hands Hold her hand gently and try to touch her little finger. When touching the little finger behold the face of the girl, whether she appeared agitated and restless and terperayuh?, If he was surprised and terperayuh means that it is probable that he was still sacred, even if he never berasmara, probably not until tersondol. If the little finger when he touched seemed rilex only, and do not want to talk, it is probable that His Holiness had vanished. Wallohu knows best.
Proverb said let me break in the abdomen do not burst in your mouth, so says the proverb, but a woman's body is not a proverb. If you break her virginity, would rupture the stomach. When the girl had sexual intercourse, then the stomach will be expanded and become a little bloated. Therefore, girls who have never sexual intercourse is still a slim waist and her belly was still flat. Why does the stomach become bloated little? At the moment the girl's act of intercourse, of course, the girl reached the peak (orgasm), in time to the peak of the girl could not stand and hold the stomach. Otot2 the abdomen to hold the summit with a very high durability and strength. That's when it expands and stomach after intercourse perutpun bulge. One more sign of the stomach, if the girl had sexual intercourse, there are long lines from the bottom of the breast to the belly and the navel until kekemaluan. These lines do not occur at all the girls, but if there's a girl to own this line means that he is not sacred anymore. There are some girls who had sexual intercourse have only line from the bottom of the navel until kekemaluan. If the girl is pregnant, the line will be divided into two, look at the pregnant woman's abdomen, there must be a transverse fracture garis2 in his stomach. The girl who is still sacred in general, his stomach is still soft. For those who already had intercourse, the skin of his stomach a little bit rough. There will also become hard to realize because hormon2 and fatty lumps at the bottom of the abdominal wall. And Allaah knows best
Hair is the crown of women but also serves to determine the girl's still a virgin or not. The girl who was holy, his hair is neat, fresh look and not rude, while the girl who had lost her holiness, her hair did not look excited. At the time our ancestors first, there might still be a diamalkan until today. When a girl is about to be married, a wedding decorator didahi first hair cut, bent and on the rear left and right ear. Rambut2 this is by them called virgin hair. By cutting this rambut2, they know if she was still a virgin or not. to prove the trial provided one young coconuts that have been punched and the water is not discarded and enter these haircuts. If it floats on the surface rambut2 coconut water means the girl is still sacred. If all the hair was drowned means the girl has not sacred. another way, if d ى when the wind gently inflate the girl's hair and back to the place of origin. Thank God there is hope of her virginity still seems to exist. And Allaah knows best.
Believe it or not that girl who had kissed her lips more attractive and beautiful. When his lips met lips, they will make the movement of blood will flow kebibir and forming new lips. More often kissed, more beautiful lips too. But there are also girls who have beautiful lips mouth never even kissed. The girl who had never kissed her lips look pink and there is no line inert (swelling) or black around the lips. Lips that never kissed a girl does not look pale and her lips were slippery and wet. The lips that never got kissed would seem sluggish even if only once, and can alter her lips are too rough lines that beautify lips form such as orange slices. If the girl is not sacred anymore, the center of the lips visible crack, as if split in two, breakdown is not so clear, but it seems that really paid attention. There are also saying she can not be pure when she laughed her lips look more bigger than the lower lip not to laugh and looked out of the upper lip. Wallahu'alam.
(Although rubbed dry lips (disolek) with lipstick, lips remain dry. How wet her lips to cover any prejudice that he is not sacred anymore, apply coconut oil on his lips every morning, let it soak in coconut oil for half an hour's lips. Insha Allah lips girl it looks oily and not inert. Lips are already inert do not spread with coconut oil.
This course is only known after the marriage. Surface girls who had sexual intercourse, seem inert (bruise), the door unclosed genitalia, a little bit tenuous. If the girl is still virgin, his cock always closed. Actually the lining of blood can be seen directly into her genitals. When the shriveled genitals still means she was still a virgin. If the hole was open a little mean girl is not virgin anymore. Consider the color of her genitals, pubic door if the surface purple, reddish means she is still pure, but if the red color is faded out to be pale, meaning he was no saint lagi.satu again, usually when the first night, the man is usually rather difficult to enter the penis (penis) into her pubic girl. The first time sexual intercourse with a girl who just broke his blood membrane is not satisfactory, because she was not comfortable with the blood that came out on the first night (habitual) and the pain in his cock. So he will not want to linger. To find out selapaut virgin who broke out, try your eye kosentrasikan kedahi your wife, if she means she furrowed in pain, but if he's faking it, rilex lets get ...
Wallahu'alam ..
The neck is also one place that could indicate she was still sacred or not. When the woman's neck visible twitching, which means she never touched a man. Line kedutnya not like lines because the old twitching, the line of small, shallow and dotted, rather than long lines. If you want to see clearly just wait for the girl's bowed head. Look quickly and carefully.!. when the girl often often carried by men, then the neck there are signs of small black and color dilobang romanya small moist spots. Occasionally the hole was evident dileher chilling, this also means she often touched. If the girl's long-necked (levels), consider the section of his neck, if there are lines that cross veins means the girl is still sacred. If there are transverse lines, instead of the transverse veins, this means that women are childless (never given birth). Wallahu'alam.
Women who are not sacred anymore not face radiant, her cheeks are still sacred always exciting and fresh red. If the girl has ever kissed cheeks rosy color will be lost. If it was red cheeks kissed by his father or siblings then no harm to the sanctity of the girl. Look at the girl's cheeks really are no virgins anymore there are transverse lines that are not so clear / visible. However cheek kiss a girl who never got still beautiful, but when it's used to be kissed / touched the man, dimples less deep and there is one line on the curve of dimples. The girl who is still sacred, when the talk around his right cheek and left quickly sweating, and sweat it will come out even though the place is cool. Sweat is probably not nanpak except wipe with a tissue. Take a look at the edges of a girl's ear. Section there is a child's hair soft and smooth. What if the girl is not sacred anymore, the boy's hair will not fall, but still remain, but become hard and even rude. If the wind blown hair boy looked so rough and side cheeks looked a little bit dark, although the girl sweet black. Wallahu'alam ..
"Well you told the woman, she actually created from the rib. And the most crooked part of it. Therefore, if you are forced to straighten it will patahlah it, and if you leave, it will bengkoklah it forever. " (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim). (Adapted from various sources)
1. A bit of black hair, black eyebrows, black eyelashes, black eyes.
2. A little white body, white teeth, white palms.
3. Somewhat kemerah2an lips, cheeks kemerah2an, kemerah2an gums.
4. Rather was his fist, his chin, while her breasts, sweat fragrant, fragrant smell of the mouth, nose and body.
Video Collection "Virgin" Click here!
And Allaah knows best bisshawab. To be more specific there are a few things to diperhatiakan including:
The girl who is still pure, smooth forehead. When intercourse slippery always missing, just that arise twitch (garis2) who sometimes seems sometimes when chatting. Twitch because it was not holy, not the same as facial twitching with age. Holy twitch that has been lost, not so ketara and not so visible, except when it face certain reacted like he was laughing and talking, while twitching because with age is always visible and lasting. Do not be eliminated by any oil, although today there are bermacam2 oil.
But the twitch because of the loss of purity is not easily removed. To make it easier to see the girl still a virgin or not. Consider a married girl's forehead with that yet. Note betul2 necessarily visible disorder. The girl who was not there some twitch garis2 holy arise and curved didahi girl. Note betul2 garis2 because it is not so visible (light). And Allaah knows best.
The girl who still sacred or her body has not been touched by man, the tip of his nose reddish color, when touched the tip of his nose looks red. The girl who is not pure red but the red tip of his nose was pale, red color sometimes does not appear, which looks just pale, do not believe try to see the girl's nose tip, merahkan ..? For men who like to destroy the sanctity of women, stripped of his nose, hence called the man a philanderer. Wallohu a'lam
where it comes from love, from the eyes down to the heart ... ..
We use our eyes to look and see someone, cantikkah, bugarkah, luweskah, etc.. Sometimes we see a beautiful woman on the outside only, but the inside is up, to know she was still a virgin or not try to peek at her eyes. When the bottom of the folded petals and there is little sign of bruising (bruise marks) means that the girl was not sacred anymore, maybe already married. bruises that showed no visible holy sort of black garis2 under the eyelids black disamp ng ى under eyelids look a little wrinkled (twitch). The girl who still sacred berseri2 eyes, no black color, bruising or garis2. When the girl laughed under his eyelids do not have anything, such as wrinkle (wrinkles), striped, etc.. Wallohu knows best. (Who referred lebamnya eyes not because of lack of sleep loh:-D)
Ridge girls change through 2 processes:
1. Ridge girls become big because of the hormone.
2. Ridge became a big girl because male.
Backs who have reached the touch of man will be great, lebih2 have intercourse. Ridge is still a virgin girl, although she still looks pretty fat, because still thick and tense and not lethargic and fell. Just look at her waist, still slim that her waist and back is not great, not plump and chewy on the back. If running back does not waver because the meat is still solid and not soft when held, meaning he is still sacred. For those who had sexual intercourse, her back was contained and large but not thick, appears to fall back, lebih2 when he walks, rocking is not rebound.
Why the back of the girl who had sexual intercourse could fall? While the act of intercourse approximately 90% of the hormone that is in the back will miss pubic concentrated, because at the summit (orgasm), she became strained back.
When finished a strained back intercourse would loosen the original and this causes the back becomes loose and falls. More often the girl's act of intercourse, will increasingly fall back and lethargic, shallow. And Allaah knows best.
Ear including one senses that can be used to determine if the girl is still sacred or not. In the land of china as a psychic to find out ear disease in a person's body. The girl who is never touched by laki2, ears and looks pretty clean, if the girl had been bitten disetubuhi or ears or be kissed and touched, in automatic form the girl's ear will become more shallow and no longer a little reddish and becomes pale. For girls who are still sacred, but never got the touch man, pale ketara not very. And Allaah knows best.
FRUIT DADA (breast)
The role of the breast is a lot, not just lust seduce men, but the breasts as evidence that she ever touched or not. Boobs girls who have never got a touch, always tense. But if you've got the touch, the breast tension is reduced and slightly enlarged from the original size, more often touched, the more slack. Note the girl when walking or running, and waving bergerak2 fall (down) and once berbuai mean tension is gone. If you have not got a touch, although berbuai breasts while running but not too melambai2 crib mean tension is still there.
Putting breasts that never got a touch to be a long and terjojol (out) a little from its hiding place. Breasts that always got squeezed will be larger, and do not accuse her fruitful big chest got squeezed. Therefore, large breasts get squeezed and the large natural because it is different.
Breasts squeezed into a big hit but not tense. While large breasts natural karna always tense and when walking was not swayed, if the taxable remas-buai sway swayed like an elephant ear, berbuai left, right, up, down sometimes melambung2 when the girl was walking or running.
Why breasts when taxable touch could fall and what the relationship with muscle palms breasts? At the time the breast is held or diremas2 girls feel the passion, when excited hormon2 will fill the space so that the breasts become tense. Once passionate breasts and loosens tense muscles relax making as well. Taxable breasts sucking nipples become swollen, which has not got pink nipples suction. Had she not pure, her breasts hanging down like a papaya fruit dangling on the tree. On the breasts do contain a thousand question marks, including knowing the woman who already had children or not. Watch her nipples if the tension is mendangak menghala upwards to the top means the woman had given birth, if her nipples were always out and mendangak terjojol upward means the woman had sexual intercourse, but has never been childless. But the breast is often regarded as a symbol of sex, most women and men love breasts while doing sexsual relationship, because they can reach orgasm (pleasure) just because stimulation of the breast.
A girl as they become adults, less likely to breast size change, unless the weight gain. Swollen breasts due to pregnancy, breast feeding or the influence of the contraceptive pill is conditional. A good posture will form the breasts appear larger. Try asking, whether he likes her breasts being touched or not? Some women have very sensitive nipples that others do not, they might want to her breasts touched or maybe not. But most women liked the soft touch and a kiss on the breast and also on the nipple. Breasts and nipples will harden when stimulated. That tanda2 most obvious when he was aroused, although not all of this. Other Tanda2 lubrication (pelendiran) in the vagina, reddish in the chest and increases heart rate and breathing. And Allaah knows best.
Thick-skinned girl and the rough, look at his hands, if the crack (peca veins, which urat2 mrupai crack), not because it may be caused not stand washing materials that contain chemical, means the girl has lost her holiness. The girl who is still pure, soft palms and slippery. If holiness had disappeared, the palms of his hands when the press warnannya not pale red, if in direct pecet menanjal behind. One way again, look at your right hand, if there is a line putus2 the middle means holiness has been lost, if not terputus2 mean there is not yet lost hope of holiness. after seeing the palm of the right hand, his thumb trying gemgam moment kira2 one minute, if when megemgam feel warm and red thumbs when it is released, there is hope still sacred. Note also his thumb, if at all, although there appeared pale warmth means likely Holiness already flying.
Try to hold the little finger, kira2 one minute, then remove, ask how it feels when it is held tightly and released? If he answered no sense, apologize banyak2, chances are he is not sacred anymore. But if he said there is a sense of excitement, his heart berdebar2 or no pain like berdenyut2. Alhamdulillah still seems to be sacred. (Yg ngetes are those laki2)
With jari2lah men who hold and seductive women, as well as women jari2, jari2 is the most fundamental areas to know the girl or not pure. The way is easy, first shook hands, shake hands during remas2lah hand, if mahramnya laki2 not be holding the hand of a girl, it shows little virgin section hands were tainted. When the girl's hands and jari2 in remas2 may mean opportunities to hold another tempat2 wide open. Try jari2 girl in belai2 and in remas2 gently, how the girl's feelings?
The touch of man dijarinya indeed bring a taste of its own ni'mat and lust. The touch of hand magic touch, out by hands will spread to other zona2. The touch of hands was sahdu, if not believe how happy try to walk while holding hands. If you want to know the girl was accustomed to the touch or not, Try to reach out and shake hands with him, for shaking hands Hold her hand gently and try to touch her little finger. When touching the little finger behold the face of the girl, whether she appeared agitated and restless and terperayuh?, If he was surprised and terperayuh means that it is probable that he was still sacred, even if he never berasmara, probably not until tersondol. If the little finger when he touched seemed rilex only, and do not want to talk, it is probable that His Holiness had vanished. Wallohu knows best.
Proverb said let me break in the abdomen do not burst in your mouth, so says the proverb, but a woman's body is not a proverb. If you break her virginity, would rupture the stomach. When the girl had sexual intercourse, then the stomach will be expanded and become a little bloated. Therefore, girls who have never sexual intercourse is still a slim waist and her belly was still flat. Why does the stomach become bloated little? At the moment the girl's act of intercourse, of course, the girl reached the peak (orgasm), in time to the peak of the girl could not stand and hold the stomach. Otot2 the abdomen to hold the summit with a very high durability and strength. That's when it expands and stomach after intercourse perutpun bulge. One more sign of the stomach, if the girl had sexual intercourse, there are long lines from the bottom of the breast to the belly and the navel until kekemaluan. These lines do not occur at all the girls, but if there's a girl to own this line means that he is not sacred anymore. There are some girls who had sexual intercourse have only line from the bottom of the navel until kekemaluan. If the girl is pregnant, the line will be divided into two, look at the pregnant woman's abdomen, there must be a transverse fracture garis2 in his stomach. The girl who is still sacred in general, his stomach is still soft. For those who already had intercourse, the skin of his stomach a little bit rough. There will also become hard to realize because hormon2 and fatty lumps at the bottom of the abdominal wall. And Allaah knows best
Hair is the crown of women but also serves to determine the girl's still a virgin or not. The girl who was holy, his hair is neat, fresh look and not rude, while the girl who had lost her holiness, her hair did not look excited. At the time our ancestors first, there might still be a diamalkan until today. When a girl is about to be married, a wedding decorator didahi first hair cut, bent and on the rear left and right ear. Rambut2 this is by them called virgin hair. By cutting this rambut2, they know if she was still a virgin or not. to prove the trial provided one young coconuts that have been punched and the water is not discarded and enter these haircuts. If it floats on the surface rambut2 coconut water means the girl is still sacred. If all the hair was drowned means the girl has not sacred. another way, if d ى when the wind gently inflate the girl's hair and back to the place of origin. Thank God there is hope of her virginity still seems to exist. And Allaah knows best.
Believe it or not that girl who had kissed her lips more attractive and beautiful. When his lips met lips, they will make the movement of blood will flow kebibir and forming new lips. More often kissed, more beautiful lips too. But there are also girls who have beautiful lips mouth never even kissed. The girl who had never kissed her lips look pink and there is no line inert (swelling) or black around the lips. Lips that never kissed a girl does not look pale and her lips were slippery and wet. The lips that never got kissed would seem sluggish even if only once, and can alter her lips are too rough lines that beautify lips form such as orange slices. If the girl is not sacred anymore, the center of the lips visible crack, as if split in two, breakdown is not so clear, but it seems that really paid attention. There are also saying she can not be pure when she laughed her lips look more bigger than the lower lip not to laugh and looked out of the upper lip. Wallahu'alam.
(Although rubbed dry lips (disolek) with lipstick, lips remain dry. How wet her lips to cover any prejudice that he is not sacred anymore, apply coconut oil on his lips every morning, let it soak in coconut oil for half an hour's lips. Insha Allah lips girl it looks oily and not inert. Lips are already inert do not spread with coconut oil.
This course is only known after the marriage. Surface girls who had sexual intercourse, seem inert (bruise), the door unclosed genitalia, a little bit tenuous. If the girl is still virgin, his cock always closed. Actually the lining of blood can be seen directly into her genitals. When the shriveled genitals still means she was still a virgin. If the hole was open a little mean girl is not virgin anymore. Consider the color of her genitals, pubic door if the surface purple, reddish means she is still pure, but if the red color is faded out to be pale, meaning he was no saint lagi.satu again, usually when the first night, the man is usually rather difficult to enter the penis (penis) into her pubic girl. The first time sexual intercourse with a girl who just broke his blood membrane is not satisfactory, because she was not comfortable with the blood that came out on the first night (habitual) and the pain in his cock. So he will not want to linger. To find out selapaut virgin who broke out, try your eye kosentrasikan kedahi your wife, if she means she furrowed in pain, but if he's faking it, rilex lets get ...
Wallahu'alam ..
The neck is also one place that could indicate she was still sacred or not. When the woman's neck visible twitching, which means she never touched a man. Line kedutnya not like lines because the old twitching, the line of small, shallow and dotted, rather than long lines. If you want to see clearly just wait for the girl's bowed head. Look quickly and carefully.!. when the girl often often carried by men, then the neck there are signs of small black and color dilobang romanya small moist spots. Occasionally the hole was evident dileher chilling, this also means she often touched. If the girl's long-necked (levels), consider the section of his neck, if there are lines that cross veins means the girl is still sacred. If there are transverse lines, instead of the transverse veins, this means that women are childless (never given birth). Wallahu'alam.
Women who are not sacred anymore not face radiant, her cheeks are still sacred always exciting and fresh red. If the girl has ever kissed cheeks rosy color will be lost. If it was red cheeks kissed by his father or siblings then no harm to the sanctity of the girl. Look at the girl's cheeks really are no virgins anymore there are transverse lines that are not so clear / visible. However cheek kiss a girl who never got still beautiful, but when it's used to be kissed / touched the man, dimples less deep and there is one line on the curve of dimples. The girl who is still sacred, when the talk around his right cheek and left quickly sweating, and sweat it will come out even though the place is cool. Sweat is probably not nanpak except wipe with a tissue. Take a look at the edges of a girl's ear. Section there is a child's hair soft and smooth. What if the girl is not sacred anymore, the boy's hair will not fall, but still remain, but become hard and even rude. If the wind blown hair boy looked so rough and side cheeks looked a little bit dark, although the girl sweet black. Wallahu'alam ..
"Well you told the woman, she actually created from the rib. And the most crooked part of it. Therefore, if you are forced to straighten it will patahlah it, and if you leave, it will bengkoklah it forever. " (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim). (Adapted from various sources)
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