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Coughing is a normal body response and are often considered trivial. Dr. Titos Ahimsa Sp. PD (internist) says if the cough is left without proper treatment can be very distracting activity can even be serious. Therefore, need proper treatment to overcome cough. One of them is the selection of the right cough medicine and quality.
Now it has been widely circulated cough medicines. Including one of which is based cough medicine herbs. But again, if we are not good at choosing, cough medicines that we consume could have an impact not good for our bodies.
Medicinal plant experts from the University of Gadjah Mada, Prof.. Dr. phil.nat. Sudarsono. Apt said that herbal medicines are in great demand by the community and has been used down through the generations since ancient times because it is based on the experience of these drugs proved efficacious. One thing to note is the quality of herbal medicines. To produce good quality herbal medicines, necessary process of making good also. One of the most important process is the selection of appropriate raw materials, supported by serious research. In addition, the process of extraction, purification and packaging must be hygienic.
With the rapid advances in technology, various kinds of information can easily be achieved. Similarly, insight into Indonesian society which is now moving forward so that the understanding of the importance of healthy living are naturally so high. This is evident by the increasing interest of consumers against products made from natural ingredients.
Problem cough, Monday, (27/11) and then held at Casablanca Room. Hotel Mulia - Jakarta, PT Deltomed Laboratories, Antangin brand manufacturer, launched its newest product, OBHerbal (cough Syrup in 60ml packs). The birth of this product has been through the process of research in the laboratory of PT Deltomed Laboratories by Reset & Development Team led by Drs. Nyoto Ward, Apt work with experts who professionally.
OBHerbal contains 100% natural extracts which merit warms the throat and relieve cough. The content of natural ingredients in it has been proven efficacious and appropriate to address the problem of cough. Processed in a modern manufacturing process to produce prime quality herbal products. Excess OBHerbal is quality-assured because in a modern and hygienic production, 100% natural extracts (100% efficacious medicines made from plants), kosher (not containing alcohol), does not cause drowsiness, other than the content of citrus extract nipisnya can also function as natural anti-bacterial.

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