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General Rules For Women Dating

In one more dating article on this site, you will find a common set of rules than men should track when dating. In the same way, women have some common convention that they should contend with when entering the dating jungle. Now I know everyone is different, so don’t take things too seriously here. Always look great, whatever your income. Gorgeous hair and some lipstick with rags will still turn his head. You have the advantage. You are the woman. Look your best as you could meet a potential Mr. Right anywhere at any time. If we accept that dating is a game, then there are rules to that game.
I can understand why some groups would be hostile about this, but the fact is that when we grow up, there are a predefined set of single men dating rules. What happens is that we forget most of them after the age of 21, and then realize we need to relearn them. I wish there weren’t any general rules, but courtship is a ritual.
There are things that we make happen that excite, stimulate, create interest and confound. Never reveal information you don’t have to. A date hook up drives men wild.Dating is a long test of compatibility. Are we perfectly matched? If we just threw ourselves together, then the chances of long term happiness might be compromised.
And yet previous generations managed to succeed on a far less complex courtship criteria list. Many arranged marriages work all too interestingly. Never ever talk about previous boyfriends, particularly their prowess in the bedroom. Your ex-boyfriends are your business only. In every society there are a predefined set of social rules we follow, from the way and timing of eating to the way we behave in adults only public. The issue here is that when women date, there are some things that can help them be more successful.
There are winners and losers. If you know the rules in advance, it gives you a head start. Always keep a guy waiting and never turn up early. It is a lady’s perogative.If men know the rules by which you are playing, you may change the rules to suit the situation to keep the man guessing. Men love a challenge, so feel free to adapt rules and add them as you feel inclined. You can separate rules out into two parts, dating and online dating. Both areas have distinct rules that a woman should follow for dating success. If any man shows the slightest signs of possessiveness or insecurity, run like the wind. Life is too short for boys.

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