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Selecting Seed Jenmanii

It should be considered in buying seeds Jenmanii is try to see its mother. By knowing indukannya, although there is no guarantee from the seller if bibitannya later as its parent, we can more or less calm.
The important thing is the seller or nursery can give assurance that the bibitannya derived from sires A, so that as buyers we feel relieved. At least, if any deviation occurs, not too far away from its mother.
A good parent does not necessarily produce good chicks all, but in general most of the seedlings produced good. Conversely, if the parent is not good, we can be sure that child is much less good. Because it is quite expensive considering the price of seeds, seedlings should buy out its parent tree.
What if can not see indukannya, because during the many merchants who sell nursery instead of the result of indukannya itself but from other people?
There are some important things to note, namely:
1. Leaf thickness
Leaves thick, generally resulting from a good parent, for example Cobra, mustard, Pagoda, Piton, Entong, Jackfruit leaves and so forth. Even when adults do not have the character, thick leafy jenmanii still have high economic value.
2. Prominent fiber
Fiber should be prominent. In the three four-leaf seedlings, leaf fibers usually already visible. The bigger, the more it is also clear fiber. Because the fiber is one sign of quality jenmanii, the prominent fibrous jenmanii have high economic value.
3. Leaf width
Choose a broad leaf, or a broad-leaf seedlings. Because most likely as adults will have the character, whether it be a bowl, sweta or other. But it does not mean that rather long leaves ugly. Understandably, jenmanii mutation frequently occurs during adulthood. Then maybe all, jenmani which leaves ugly form turn into a character like jaipong jenmanii, machete or other. Well lo.
Tips from the dr. Mardiyanto, hobbyist Anthurium in Wonogiri Source: Tabloid

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