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Choosing a Pot for your Anthurium(Memilih Pot untuk Anthurium Anda)

Anthurium very reasonable and suitable to be planted as an ornamental plant in the pot (pot plant) than planted in the ground or in the garden. For potted plants, we have a special advantage. Plants can be moved around placement, according to our wishes. Placement of plants in pots that fit, would also be improving the appearance of anthurium. Naturally, if planting in pots should not be taken lightly.
In other words, the pot should not be considered merely a container to accommodate the media and put the plant. Precisely, the pot should be regarded as an essential element for plant unsightly eye.
Type of Pot: There are many options pots, each is in terms of plus-minus.
Plastic pots. More durable, lightweight, and relatively cheaper price. Easily obtained. Colors, shapes and sizes vary. That advantage. Minusnya, plastic pots do not have pores that ensure the water can remain meremebes out if it is too saturated. It made udarta flow in growing media also became less smooth. In effect, the temperature rose in the pot so that it can easily damage the health of anthurium.
Porcelain or earthenware pot. The price is relatively more expensive. Not easily removed, they are heavy. This pot also has no pores in the walls. Beneficially, a variety of ceramic pots, from the plain to the patterned. Like it or not, anthurium will add authoritative placed in ceramic pots.
Pot cement. Pot cement rich in ornament form and is usually given as broken glass, shells or pebbles. Porous wall, so that if the excess water can escape. Fuss, weight is usually heavy. It takes several people to lift it.
Clay pots. Porous walls, ensures water will not be excessive in the media so that the air temperature in the media is also stable. Another advantage, not heavy clay pot and the price is relatively cheaper. Unfortunately, clay pots are very vulnerable, and easily broken. One-one lift, broken pots, growing media clutter and damaged crops.
Choosing Pot Proportionate:
The formula that we must hold in choosing a pot for plants anthurium is proporsionil for nice views. Sure is not porporsional and less aesthetic, if high anthurium leaves reach 1 meter, planted in pots 40 cm in diameter. Or vice versa, was inappropriate, long anthurium leaves 'only' 30 cm, placed in pots 45 cm in diameter.
There is a kind anthurium the superiority lies in the expanse of the leaves that inflates like a bird's wing. For this type of anthurium, should use the following formula: If the diameter of the exposition is 1 meter, select the diameter of the smaller pot about 20 percent of the stretch of these leaves. So a pot that fits, is 80 cm in diameter. If a stretch of only 60 cm leaves only, then use the pot 35 or 40 cm in diameter. And so on.
For certain types of anthurium, a symmetrical and proportionate pot just is not enough. For example on anthurium has leaves dangle down like anthurium vetchii, we still have to add a pillar in the bottom of the pot, to give exclusive effect on the anthurium.
In general, for anthurium has dashing figure, will be more visible if placed in the pot dazzle with stegger pillars underneath. Exclusive impression.
Excerpted from the book The Glory ANTHURIUM LEAVES, by Junaedhie Kurniawan, Publisher Conversely,

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